
There are mainly Two Standard Beacon Technology first Ibeacon(Apple) and Eddy Stone(Google).

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Different Ways to Scan BLE Devecies , we used the most Simple and cost-Effective Way it is a Raspberry pi.

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Attandance Report

You can show a attandance chart or report with customise time interval. Also show a graph by using a Rasberry pi

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Windows Password Recovery Tool Ultimate

I Beacon Sacnner
Using Raspberry pi,Bluetooth 4.0 and Internet Connectivity.
Software System Implemented to update the device informtion to Web Server.
For internet connectivity LAN cable or WI-FI is used.


ABSniffer UART Module iBeacon 502 Dongle Receiver/ Scanner

The External Antenna AprilBeacon sniffer 502 is a USB device that runs on Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy.
It works with USB 2 TTL. You must plug it to a PC.It communicate with PC through virtual UART port.

Wireless IBeacon Receiver BLE 4.0 WI-FI Sniffer

The Wireless iBeacon Receiver can work as Bluetooth 4.0 receiver. It will scan the iBeacon device nearby and post to the remote server side. The device work as Wi-Fi station status. It will connect the Wi-Fi AP and connect to internet.

AB BLE Gateway 2.0 BLE to WiFi Bridge

AB BLE Gateway is a BLE to WiFi gateway and bridge. The gateway reads BLE advertising data such as iBeacon and Eddystone format and sends to local TCP server or internet HTTP/MQTT/WebSocket server.